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Join Our Worship Services Each Sunday and Wednesday

Worship at Holy Spirit 

We are currently worshipping in-person and online on this page or on YouTube and Facebook. 


It is our hope that you will strengthen your relationship with God by joining us for worship every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m., either virtually or in-person. At The Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit & Kids of the Kingdom of the Episcopal School, we offer regular weekly worship designed to appeal to all members of our growing congregation.

Each Sunday we gather for traditional worship at 10 a.m. for The Holy Eucharist, Rite II and at 5:30 p.m. for an expressive worship service, holding to the liturgical roots of Episcopal and Anglican Worship. ​

Click here to view the bulletins and announcements for our Sunday Worship services.

During the 10 a.m. worship service, children age 4 through 5th grade are invited to join us in-person for Spirit Time Children's Worship, a special worship service just for them in the Chapel of St. Michael.

The fifth Sunday of the month is designated as Service Sunday, which involves some members going out to serve our local community while others stay at the church for worship and to pray for those out serving.


On Wednesdays at 5:00 p.m. we have Holy Eucharist Rite II with prayers for healing.  

Wedding Customary


Juan Jose Photography 

Serve  in Worship



Assist the Rector and serve the congregation during the liturgical service by performing specific duties during the service such as carrying the cross in procession and serving at the altar. Any young person may become an acolyte!

Altar Guild

Prepares the Sanctuary for all worship services, cares for sacred vessels and linens used in the service, maintains ample altar supplies and decorates the church for special services. 

Worship Host

First and foremost- everyone is a host because everyone should feel welcome when walking into our sacred space! Worship hosts welcome visitors and ensure any questions they may have and point them to many of the church resources they may need.

Lay Reader/

Lectors read the daily lessons during the Sunday 10 a.m. Service. Readings consist of readings from the Old and New Testament. 

Eucharistic Minister

Eucharistic Ministers assist ordained clergy in the celebration of the Eucharist during communion.


Ushers welcome church members and newcomers attending services, assist people in finding their seats and performing liturgy-related services such as passing the collection plates, bringing forward the wine and water to the altar, and directing people to the altar for communion. They also see that Service Bulletins, Prayer Books and Hymnals are distributed.

Coffee Host 

They get the coffee brewing on Sunday mornings! Coffee hosts volunteer once a month to put out coffee as well as snacks for the congregation after church service.

Interested in being a part of worship at Holy Spirit? 

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